
My profile picture

API outage

We are currently experiencing an API outage. Some features like goto or tetostats will not work properly. Please report it by email in order for us to investigate the issue.


My projects

Cankyre's website thumbnail

 This website. Contains a "goto" feature, a request/report form and a status page. Also contains cards for every project I code. HTML CSS JS


TetoBot's thumbnail

 A webpage that was inspired by TETR.IO Stats by Tenchi. It has the same "Ranks requirements" feature, but it also has country leaderboards and player cards that has the advanced stats, taken from Sheetbot. HTML CSS JS Node.JS


NyaScript's Thumbnail

 A programming language with a syntax you have never seen before. Version 1 is based on a brainfuck derivative with some, pretty unusual aliases for the symbols. Although it is multi-paradigm, I advise not to use this language for any big scale projects. Version 2 is currently in development and will be entirely rewritten. Python Not in development


TSR's thumbnail

 A project made in one day that is used in order to periodically record any TETR.IO leaderboard. Node.JS Abandoned


ParpaingBot's thumbnail

 A Discord bot made for an online community. It contains an advanced media saving system and a social ranking system and some more. Also has a REST API. Node.JS


TetoBot's thumbnail

 A Discord bot made for the community Blitzcord and was expanded to sprint in TETR.IO. It might receive an update soon enough. Also had an API. Node.JS Deprecated

RdP's website thumbnail

 A website made for an online friends community. Contains a homepage with a beautiful DVD-like animation. Also has some "inside-jokes" webpages used for memes from the community. HTML CSS JS


Tetralino's thumbnail

 A Block-stacking game made with Neutralino. Was unfortunately abandoned although the source code is still there. HTML CSS JS Abandoned

Latest Updates

TetoStats 1.1.0

TetoStats' thumbnail

Modified Rewrited TetoStats entirely with SvelteJS. This update is quite smooth to the user but is way better written than 1.0.0. It also has moved to a new Github repo.

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